MSA ECU Socketing
MSA ECU socketing service for OBD1 Honda/Acura ECUS! You can send us in your virgin, GOOD condition obd1 ECU & in return, get a computer ready to run your modified engine, swap, turbo setup, etc!
There is also an option to speed things up, for you guys wanting to do this with your daily driver, of buying a pre socketed MSA ecu, or sending yours in on trade.
Once you pay, please email w/ basemap details, order info and we will get you on track to shipping us your ecu, or trading out for one already done!
ECUs are tested before leaving us, and with the nature of electrical problems on these cars, there is NO warranty on this product. However, we do try to help the customer get things right, it is always best to communicate any issues youre having with the car, check engine lights, etc before you put this product in your car.
NOTE socketing for chips, demons, & S300 are the same price.